Monday, 28 October 2024

''What’s the difference between an actual occasion and a society? Actual occasions arise and perish; they do not endure through physical time, and they do not change. They are what they are. Once they’ve achieved their decisive satisfaction, they transition into objective immortality. Whitehead’s describing a kind of process, a becoming, that goes on in the concrescence of an actual occasion that is not yet in physical or measurable clock-time. This process within concrescence that constitutes an actual occasion is immeasurable; an occasion’s growth from phase to phase cannot be tracked with a stopwatch. Actual occasions, once they concresce, are inherited by subsequent actual occasions. This process of inheritance and transition from one occasional “stitch” to the next “stitch” weaves together what we call space-time in a relativistic context. The physical spacetime measured by physicists is consequence of the decisions of actual occasions, a result of how they’ve stitched the past together with the future through the medium of the present''.

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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".