Monday, 28 October 2024

"Fisher recognises that “scarcity isn’t a problem for capitalism. It’s the maintenance of scarcity that’s the problem for capitalism. The creation of artificial scarcity to conceal abundance”. The issue is not that technologies within a capitalist mode of production have created an abundance of ‘things’, but that their redistribution serves the interests of capital and not society. If complex technologies could be reconstructed into a postcapitalism where abundance was fairly distributed, such infrastructure could be used effectively.

Fisher’s failure to address the ecological destruction caused by automation and technological infrastructure is a major limitation to his accelerationist analysis. Technological advances require energy consumption and the extraction of natural materials.

Fisher recognises that “scarcity isn’t a problem for capitalism. It’s the maintenance of scarcity that’s the problem for capitalism. The creation of artificial scarcity to conceal abundance”. The issue is not that technologies within a capitalist mode of production have created an abundance of ‘things’, but that their redistribution serves the interests of capital and not society. If complex technologies could be reconstructed into a postcapitalism where abundance was fairly distributed, such infrastructure could be used effectively.

Fisher’s failure to address the ecological destruction caused by automation and technological infrastructure is a major limitation to his accelerationist analysis. Technological advances require energy consumption and the extraction of natural materials.

The imaginary of the family is so enshrined, society is unable to imagine an alternative, even though, as Fisher points out, the “family” structure does not work for many...Fisher recognises domestic realism as “more powerful than capitalist realism in today’s world” and ultimately it is a part of the ideology of capital''.

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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".