Wednesday, 23 October 2024


"People don't know how to provide reciprocal emotional attunement, empathetic mirroring, and co-regulation. They're poor listeners. They have low EI but they are sleepwalking and unaware most of the time''.

"People enjoy putting on a social façade but as soon as real emotions or real thoughts come up they get scared and don’t wanna know''.

"My parents barely talked to me during my formative years so I was always called shy as a kid when really I just had no fucking idea what to do if someone acknowledged me''.

"I feel so invisible sometimes and when someone notices me I panic. I start tripping over my words or straight up forgetting words''.

"I think it’s us (people with trauma) — we are so self conscious as people who were constantly under a microscope, we forget no one cares how anyone else acts, and so we over analyze how normal or not normal we are, which in turn IS the not normal thing. I think most people just exist unapologetically. Not to say they don’t have insecurities, but they don’t have apologies for being a human, for existing as they are, for maybe bringing human problems to the table''.

"I tend to think of myself as "not a real person" when I'm around others''.

 ''I think the way we grew up, being a child under duress. We can't exactly go anywhere , we can't flee, we can't run away. We're being taken care of but at a price.  We end up internalizing then we get to a setting that's uncomfortable, it sets off the alarm, we feel stress - the body recognizes it and reacts by doing what its always done, it gets you to go inwards and so you're aware of your behavior, you feel off because your body is trying to protect you but it does it as you dissociate, it gets you through this stress by mimicking. That is to say, by suppressing what you want to do: flee. It helps you to "act the part" to not attract too much attention to yourself. We self abandon''.

"You need to trust yourself, that your of view things is correct. At least for you (unless you know better). Not feeling understood doesn't make you worse - it makes other people worse. People are naturally selfish from birth.  Unless you get their attention quickly or give them what they want, they will probably step around you or even on you to get forward. No matter how nice people say they are, think in advance "they're probably going to be selfish" so you can choose from a point of strength not weakness to help them or walk away. You are just as entitled to be an alien as they are to be animals''.

"I felt like a real person who didn't belong here and wasn't "from" here. Like this perpetual sense of culture shock. So if that counts, I need to revise my symptom timeline with my therapist then because I was half-convinced I was an alien or changeling most of my childhood''.

"The same part of your brain that registers/processes terror is partly/largely responsible for giving you a sense of self and future. You shut it off reflexively, but the cost is feeling real, or that your goals matter, or that you could have a future''.

"100% I have never felt like I belonged anywhere. The place I've felt I fit in most is with other trauma survivors and addicts in recovery. "These fucked up people are MY people."


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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".