Sunday, 20 October 2024

Duty of care is a legal obligation to act reasonably and avoid causing harm to others. It applies in many situations, including in the workplace, in healthcare, and in public life: 
  • In the workplace
    Employers have a legal obligation to protect their employees' health, safety, and wellbeing. This includes taking reasonable steps to prevent harm, such as providing safe equipment and working conditions. 
  • In healthcare
    Healthcare practitioners have a duty of care to act in accordance with the relevant standard of care and the NMC Code. This includes protecting the legal rights of patients and promoting their independence. 
  • In public life
    In general, people are obligated to take reasonable precautions to protect others. For example, observing the speed limit and following safe driving practices. 
  • In personal injury claims
    There are many types of duty of care that can be relevant to personal injury claims, such as a manufacturer's duty of care to their consumers. 
Failing to meet the standard of duty of care can be considered negligence, which can lead to legal action.

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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".