Saturday, 18 January 2025

"My reality became "I do not want to be well adjusted to a sick (and evil) society, and one day I will have to answer for what WE have allowed to happen."

My brain cannot accept cognitive dissonance, but l still haven't figured out how to communicate with people who have fully conformed to being Western Nazis 
- people who love the comfort of sitting atop a pile of blood money''.

"I probably would have fit in but my mask broke and I couldn't pretend anymore. I don't know. I think I'm there with you with not being able to accept the insanity of the world or pretend to be happy and from time to time I think society is waking up, only to be disappointed that they still don't get that drastic change is needed. Anyway, it can be sad sometimes".

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If you are working from the premise that power is diffuse, collective, and emergent—rather than concentrated in a few hands—then the stateme...