Thursday, 9 January 2025


Eternal Objects: What Are They?

Eternal objects in Whitehead's metaphysics are akin to Platonic forms or pure possibilities. They are the abstract, non-temporal entities that provide the potentiality for the various qualities and forms that can be instantiated in the actual world. Examples of eternal objects include colors, shapes, sounds, and more complex qualitative forms. Eternal objects are not themselves events or physical substances, but rather the possibilities that can be realized within the process of becoming.

Matter in Traditional Metaphysics

Matter, as understood in classical metaphysics and physics, is typically considered a substantial, physical "stuff" that constitutes the material world. It is often associated with physical properties, mass, and extension in space and time.

Whitehead's Process Philosophy: A New Ontology

Whitehead's philosophy does not adhere to a traditional matter-based ontology. Instead, he proposes a processual view of reality, where the fundamental units of existence are actual occasions or events, not substances. These actual occasions are processes of becoming that involve both physical prehensions (relations to past actualities) and conceptual prehensions (relations to eternal objects).

In this framework:

  • Eternal objects provide the potential forms or qualities that can be actualized in a particular actual occasion.
  • Actual occasions are the concrete manifestations of these potentialities in a dynamic, interconnected process.

Analogies and Differences

  • Eternal objects are analogous to forms or potentialities rather than to physical matter. They are abstract possibilities that, when combined with actual occasions, help determine the character of reality.
  • Matter, in contrast, would traditionally be thought of as substance or the "building blocks" of things, a concept Whitehead largely rejects in favor of relational and process-oriented metaphysics.


Whitehead's eternal objects are not matter; they are possibilities for qualitative determination that influence how actual entities (occasions) come into being. Matter, as a concept implying inert substance, has no direct parallel in his system, where process and relational becoming replace the classical substance-based framework. Eternal objects are to Whitehead's system what forms are to Plato's, but their realization depends on the dynamic processes of actual occasions, making Whitehead's vision deeply relational and temporal.

For Alfred North Whitehead are actual occasions unmeasurable in that they are taken to be beyond the scope of abstract, measured and measurable space-time?


Yes, according to Alfred North Whitehead’s process philosophy, actual occasions (also known as actual entities) are indeed unmeasurable in the conventional sense. Whitehead’s metaphysics, laid out in Process and Reality (1929), treats actual occasions as the fundamental building blocks of reality. They are processes of becoming, not static substances, and are thus beyond the direct reach of the kind of abstract, measurable space-time described by classical physics.

Key Points on Actual Occasions and Measurement:

  1. Beyond Space-Time as Abstract Framework:
    Whitehead distinguishes between the concrete reality of becoming (actual occasions) and the abstract framework of space and time used in classical and modern physics. Space-time, in his view, is a derivative structure, an abstraction derived from relationships among actual occasions. Therefore, actual occasions themselves do not exist in measurable space-time in the same way objects do within the framework of Newtonian or even Einsteinian physics.

  2. Prehensions, Not Measurements:
    The primary way in which actual occasions interact with each other is through a process called prehension, which involves grasping or integrating other actual occasions into their own becoming. This concept rejects the notion that actual occasions can be observed or quantified externally in a Cartesian sense. They are relational and qualitative, involving subjective and interdependent experiences rather than objective measurement.

  3. Unmeasurable Internal Experience of Process:
    Since actual occasions are characterized by their internal process of becoming (their concrescence, a synthesis of prehensions), their nature is qualitative and experiential. Whitehead contrasts this with the external, static, and abstract quantitative representations that science typically uses to measure and model events. The reality of actual occasions includes their subjective immediacy, which is inherently non-quantifiable.

  4. Time and Measurement as Abstract Derivatives:
    In Whitehead’s framework, the abstract notion of time as a linear sequence of measurable instants is secondary to the dynamic process of becoming in actual occasions. He asserts that measurable time and space are abstractions derived from the relational structure of actual occasions, but these abstractions cannot fully capture the intrinsic nature of actual occasions themselves.


Yes, actual occasions in Whitehead’s philosophy are considered beyond the scope of abstract, measured, and measurable space-time. They are processes of becoming that ground the abstractions of space, time, and matter, and their nature is better understood through relational processes and prehensions rather than through external, quantitative measurement. This perspective places them at the foundation of a metaphysical framework that prioritizes the qualitative and dynamic aspects of existence over static, measurable properties.

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