Saturday, 28 September 2024

Andrew Solomon

"If community health programs could keep everyone quiet, they would, by the standards of much of the world, be doing their job. Their inadequacies in protecting the healthy from the ill win them excoriation in the press. The question of whether they are serving the interest of the well is often examined; whether they are helping their target community seldom comes up. “Huge numbers of federal tax dollars are going to these programs,” Representative Roukema said, “and there is strong evidence that the money is being diverted into all kinds of irrelevant local projects.”


“Civil libertarians who take extreme views on this matter are both incompetent and inconsequential,” Roukema said. “Under the guise of civil liberties, they’re inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on people despite the fact that society has science that can make a better way. It’s cruelty; if we were doing that to animals, the ASPCA would be after us”. 

“I wish I’d gained my understanding of this subject solely through research and ethical inquiry. But for many people, the problems of mental illness are still utterly abstract, and their urgency becomes apparent only through intense involuntary immersion in them. We need an education initiative to pave the way for a legislative one.”

Andrew Solomon


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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".