Friday, 20 September 2024


Peirce's categories (technical name: the cenopythagorean categories)[8]
NameTypical characterizatonAs universe of experienceAs quantityTechnical definitionValence, "adicity"
Firstness[9]Quality of feelingIdeas, chance, possibilityVagueness, "some"Reference to a ground (a ground is a pure abstraction of a quality)[10]Essentially monadic (the quale, in the sense of the such,[11] which has the quality)
Secondness[12]Reaction, resistance, (dyadic) relationBrute facts, actualitySingularity, discreteness, "this"Reference to a correlate (by its relate)Essentially dyadic (the relate and the correlate)
Thirdness[13]Representation, mediationHabits, laws, necessityGenerality, continuity, "all"Reference to an interpretant*Essentially triadic (sign, object, interpretant*)

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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".