Tuesday, 3 December 2024

"Oppression is power that is formed and repeated over time that disadvantages a group of people. This disadvantage exists even when individuals get along and are nice to people belonging to an oppressed group because it’s supported through things like policies, government, education, and health systems. Systems of oppression are typically supported by norms in our societies. A norm represents what is “normal,” acceptable, and desirable. “The norm” is something that is valued and supported in a society. As a result, people who follow or live within norms can often be assumed to be good and poor treatment to those who live outside the norm can go unquestioned.

None of us can simply take unearned advantage or force unearned disadvantage upon others as individuals. However, all of us interact with the systems, beliefs, and norms that do. Understanding how power, privilege, and oppression show up is a critical first step in being able to develop strategies and actions to address those imbalances". 

United Way

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If you are working from the premise that power is diffuse, collective, and emergent—rather than concentrated in a few hands—then the stateme...