Tuesday, 24 December 2024

AI Overview

Incompatibilism is the philosophical view that free will and determinism are mutually exclusive, and that free will can only exist if determinism is false. The term was coined in the 1960s, likely by philosopher Keith Lehrer.

Incompatibilists are divided into two groups:

Libertarians: Deny that determinism is true, and believe that human actions are not causally determined. Libertarians may believe that humans have an immaterial soul that is responsible for making decisions, and that these decisions are not subject to the laws of physics.

Hard determinists: Deny that free will exists.

Incompatibilists also disagree on what else is required for free will, besides indeterminism. For example, they may disagree on the type of indeterminism that is required, or where in the process leading to an action indeterminism must be located.

The opposite of incompatibilism is compatibilism, which is the view that determinism is compatible with free will and moral responsibility.

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