Saturday, 7 December 2024

''No expense is spared when the aim is to protect the relatively powerful and rich and often, to add insult to injury, the little people pay for their security. The little people either receive little to no attention or they are vilified in an indiscriminate blanket manner.

Few resources are spent finding the perpetrators of social murder and, even though such perpetrators are responsible for far more deaths, they are valorised rather than apprehended. The system is setup in such way that every crime is rewarded if you inflict it on an industrial scale.

There is one law for the little people and one for the relatively powerful and rich who deny others desperately needed treatment or prolong the suffering that they and their (knowing or unknowing) acolytes are adept at making money from. Though they and their acolytes might never make the connection between their policies and killing or harming''.

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