Friday, 1 November 2024

"Lies are expensive to maintain. Our bodies know when we lie to them or to anyone else, so they must be deadened so they do not betray the nasty game we are playing. But our bodies still know, even when our emotions are numbed and our thoughts confused. We are not machines. We are animals who live and die and breathe and love and hate, who want to rest and to enjoy life and who do not wish to be cogs or slaves, who feel pity and do not wish to convert the living to the dead. And so we must be deadened, to make sure we do not slide back into our bodies. And then we must be watched, so that we do not forget that we are dead. Thus the omniscient God. Thus the Panopticon. Thus “the collective terror that identifies democracy with chaos and insecurity."


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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".