Friday, 28 February 2025

The beautiful, the Good, and the True, are simply variations on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person pronouns found in all major languages because Beauty, Truth and Goodness are very real dimensions of reality to which language has adapted. The 3rd person (or ‘it’) refers to objective truth, which is best investigated by science. The 2nd person (or ‘you’/’we’) refers to Goodness, or the ways that we - that you and I -treat each other, and whether we do so with decency, honesty and respect. In other words, basic morality. And 1st person deals with “I”, with self and self-expression, art and aesthetics, and the beauty that is in the eye (or the “I”) of the beholder…So the "I”, ‘We” and “It” dimensions of experience really refer to art, morals and science. Or self, culture, and nature. Or the Beautiful, the Good, and the True…The point is that every event in the manifest world has all 3 of those dimensions. You can look at every event from the point of view of the I, the We, or the It…If you leave our science, or leave our art, or leave out morals, something is going to be missing, something will get broken…Self and culture and nature are liberated together or not at all.


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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".