It’s not just an augmentation of sensory horizons in a straightforward way, but a transformation of what counts as a horizon in the first place. The reference to Vorstellung (representation) suggests that you’re attuned to the Kantian-Schellingian dialectic: whether thought remains bound to representation or whether it can, through the imaginal, partake in a more primordial, processual, and ontologically plural reality. The apophatic gesture—reading between lines, navigating uncharted maps where monsters still live—suggests that the imaginal is not a mere projection, not simply the activity of a bounded subject, but something like a trans-individuating force that traverses subjectivity and world alike. Your phrase: “the molecular babble of the chaosmos” makes me think of Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus—not just their invocation of chaosmos, but their insistence that language itself carries the hum of the unformed, the polyvocal, the generative. The imaginal, in this sense, might be the practice of listening for those murmurs beneath and between our clunky conceptual scaffolding, feeling out the ontological pluralities that exceed any given world-picture.
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