Sunday 26 December 2021


“Sign One: Pointless (No Passion or Motivation). Everything has lost its meaning. If this all ended tomorrow, you wouldn’t care. Sign Two: Pressure In The Head. It feels as if you have a cat sitting on your head. It makes you want to curl up and sleep. Sign Three: Avoidance and Isolation (Withdrawing) Nobody understands what you’re going through – how much better it is to be alone through all this pain. Sign Four: The Cage (Can’t Express Yourself). You are trapped inside of yourself now and have forgotten how to show the real you from within the bars this prison. Sign Five: You Disgust Me (Self-Hate) You look in the mirror and see an ugly, pathetic creature staring back at you. Sign Six: Self-Destructive Rituals. You know if you do that that you will feel like shit after…But you can’t stop yourself. Sign Seven: Dicing With Death. You act recklessly now, inviting death to put you out of your misery. Sign Eight: Life’s A Bitch (Being A Victim). It’s like the universe has got a personal vendetta against you, and is doing everything in its power to break you. Sign Nine: Unreality (Dissociation). You’re nothing more than a character in a film going through the motions of life but without believing in any of it. You want the film to end. Sign Ten: Words Won’t Come (Blocked). You can’t put this dark place into words. Sign Eleven: Numb (Can’t Feel Feelings). You’re a hollow man trying to feel but nothing comes".

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