Saturday 11 December 2021

Cornel West

Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Jr., Fanny Lou Hamer and Ella Baker, they decided what? Not to terrorize others, but to fight for freedom for everybody. They connected the legacy of Athens with that fundamental stress on piety, that formation of attention so you can shift from the superficial things to the substantial things. This is rooted in Plato's Republic in 51 AD which has a line on the turning of the soul, the transformation of yourself, not just as such to gain a job or acquire a skill in order to be visible, but to be a certain kind of human being who has undergone a periagoge, a metanoia, a conversion, a transformation. Then you’re on the road to the cultivation of a self-critical orientation and the maturation of a soul that wants to be, in the language of John Coltrane, a force for good. Then you have to shatter the chains of conformity, including the forms of conformity that are shot through professional managerial sites...

Cornel West

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" Political economy begins with   commodities , with the moment when products are exchanged, either by individuals or by primitive comm...