Wednesday 20 October 2021

homo homini lupus

For Thomas Hobbes, fear is foundational to all civilizations, we join together in order to develop structures which allow us to defend ourselves from ourselves because homo homini lupus; man is a wolf to man until he is civilized. Homo, sacra res homini, i.e. man is an object of reverence in the eyes of man is true, only 'if we compare Citizens amongst themselves'(Hobbes) The monsters hiding in the Cities closet are non-citizens but this is true only because we have made it so: 'Overall, the default interaction pattern of nomadic foragers is to get along with neighbors rather than make war against them'.(Douglas P. Fry and Patrik Soder) It's also worth noting that there is a difference between pacification and peace - if citizens are relatively peaceful then is, and to what extent is, this peace pacification? And what are the links, if any, between pacification and pathology?

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" Political economy begins with   commodities , with the moment when products are exchanged, either by individuals or by primitive comm...