Sunday 24 March 2024

"According to Uexküll, this principle of how a subject constructs its phenomenal Umwelt is valid for octopi just as it holds for humans, and scientists too can only ever investigate their own Umwelten (von Uexküll, 2010, p. 207). The incompressibility of the water has octopus-independent reality, but always within the Umwelt of a subject. In this case, the subject is a musical ecologist analyzing “the octopus as subject in relation to the seawater as carrier of meaning” (von Uexküll, 2010, p. 173). Uexküll ends both A Theory of Meaning and the Foray with the reminder that the limitations of Umwelt also apply to our scientific endeavors. Fultot and Turvey are clearly exaggerating when they consider “his Kantian views having been abandoned” (24)''.


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