Wednesday 18 October 2023

The fight against the Occupation and for total equality for Palestinians in this country is paramount to any other struggle.

Standing Together seeks to promote the creation of a shared society built on true and equal partnership. This model speaks directly to my spiritual vision for this place. It is my belief that we, Palestinians and Jews, were put together on this land to fulfill a vision of partnership and peace. Our two narratives do not begin only in 1948; they begin back in our sacred texts, the Torah and the Quran, in the story of Isaac and Ishmael.

This movement brings building partnership to a new level. It is not just about community building – although that is a big part of it; it is also about activism, about tikkun olam, about trying to make this part of the world a better place. The idea is that we can only do this together, as equal partners. That is the tikkun, the corrective. Instead of one nation trying to rule over the other, we must work together. Neither Palestinians nor Jews are going anywhere. We are all here to stay (we hope and pray). So let’s find a way to live together in peace. If we can, the result will be better for us all.

Standing Together seeks to promote the creation of a shared society built on true and equal partnership between Palestinians and Jews.

Our mission, our reason for being here, is to find a way to make amends and to live together in true siblinghood (in the ideal vision of the word). After all, what is religion and spirituality for, if not to provide a redemptive vision – an alternative to conflict and supremacy — of peace and reconciliation?

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