Tuesday 1 March 2022

Social Dominance Theory

Social dominance theory explains the mechanisms of group hierarchy oppression using three basic mechanisms:

· Aggregated individual discrimination (ordinary discrimination)


· Aggregated institutional discrimination (discrimination by governmental and business institutions)

Systematic Terror (police violence, death squads, etc.)

· Behavioural asymmetry

systematic outgroup favouritism or deference (minorities favour hegemony individuals)


· self-handicapping (low expectations of minorities are self-fulfilling prophecies)


· ideological asymmetry (as status increases, so do beliefs legitimizing and or enhancing the current social hierarchy)


These processes are driven by legitimizing myths, which are beliefs that justify social dominance:

· paternalistic myths (hegemony serves society, looks after incapable minorities)

· reciprocal myths (suggestions that hegemonic and outgroups are actually equal)

· sacred myths (Divine right of kings – religion-approved mandate for hegemony to govern)


· Human social hierarchy consists of a hegemonic group at the top and negative reference groups at the bottom.

· As a role gets more powerful, the probability it is occupied by a hegemonic group member increases (Law of increasing proportion).



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