Wednesday 5 April 2023

"Bunkers are built to shelter self-serving prejudice from evidence".

"The knowledge of how much easily preventable injustice and misery are present in this reality gnaws at the edges of my awareness at all times. I think less of people who don't have this problem because it tells me that their concern is performative and easily compartmentalized. If the state of the world does not fill you with unease, frankly there is something wrong with you".

"It feels like being in a burning building with all the sirens going off but everyone is confused as to why your trying to find a way out. Why your crying? Why are you coughing? All while they pretend to not feel it too. It makes you feel like your crazy but you know your not! No mental illness can create these symptoms". These symptoms and the toxic states of affairs that they are indicators ofcan, however, generate illness.

"In an imbalanced power dynamic, the person with less structural protection must, when pressed into conflict, fight harder, strike more lethally, and counter attack with what appears to be grossly disproportionate force. An example is found in school bullying...the victim may take actions that are framed as "disproportionate". The bully is only "threatening"...but one day that child knocks the bully on their ass...What's really going on here is that the victim, realizing they have no choice but to counterattack, knows the power structure is against them. Unless the bully is totally put down, the system will help them quickly recover, excuse them, and set them back to bullying. An "overreaction" is necessary to correct for privilege and systemic inequity. Likewise, a person who is angered at crimes resulting from systemic discrimination and inequity has no choice but to become "overly" angry. There is massive apathetic inertia in the form of people whom the system and status quo benefits - ignorant people who don't comprehend the real harm resulting from what they are saying, doing, supporting, or merely making excuses for. And these people help form a systemic bulwark that defends the actual, active "bullies" in society. The uneducated, unaware, and uncaring will excuse the active hostility of the bullies or downplay it. They will frame people angry at injustice as overreacting - anything to maintain the pleasant, vegetative obliviousness of the unquestioned status quo". 

"0.000% of Communism has been built. Evil child-murdering billionaires still rule the world with a shit-eating grin. All he has managed to do is make himself sad*. He is starting to suspect Kras Mazov *fucked him over personally with his socio-economic theory. It has, however, made him into a very, very smart boy with something like a university degree in Truth. Instead of building Communism, he now builds a precise model of this grotesque, duplicitous world."

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