Monday 4 April 2022


Think we must. If ever there has been a time for the need seri­ous­ly to think, it is now, and it has got to be the kind of think­ing that Hannah Arendt accused Eichmann of being inca­pable of...the banal­i­ty of evil in the fig­ure of Eichmann was con­densed in Hannah Arendt’s analy­sis into the inca­pac­i­ty to think the world that is actu­al­ly being lived. The inabil­i­ty to con­front the con­se­quences of the world­ing that one is in fact engaged in, and the lim­it­ing of think­ing to func­tion­al­i­ty. The lim­it­ing of think­ing to busi­ness as usu­al. Being smart, per­haps, being effi­cient, per­haps, but that Eichmann was inca­pable of think­ing, and in that con­sist­ed the banal­i­ty and ordi­nar­i­ness of evil. And I think among us, the ques­tion of whether we are Eichmanns is a very seri­ous one.

Donna Haraway

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