Thursday, 4 April 2019

Edvard Munch and the Phenomenological Loss of the Soul

Edvard Munch had emotional problems; while he was strolling through the nippy boulevards of Oslo, Norweigan Ladies would approach and say: 

"Oh my, Edvard your penis, it's enormous.”

“Don't worry about that luv.” Edvard would reply, “consider my paintings, they are very emotional”.

“But Edward, your member, it is like a Norwegian pine” the Ladies insisted.

This made Edvard very sad and so he booked himself into an asylum. After his death Edvard's felled pine tree was thrown into a Fjord where it lays on the lake-bed to this day.

His pine cones were donated to the Swedish royal family who use them as badminton balls; when they play badminton with visiting foreign diplomats, Munch's feathered pine cones serve as a conversation piece:

“Did you know that this badminton ball belonged to the painter Edvard Munch? He was very emotional you know".

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 " It's an evil world under the guise of Disneyland; sky, sun, trees, butterflies, flowers, performative facades".