Friday, 26 July 2013

Amanda Lynn

Runner up to the FYE writing contest: Discovery by AmandaLynn

There's a bird in my hair
there's a bird in my hair
there's a bird in my hair 
and I just don't CARE.

Nobody knows about the tub
of peanut butter concealed
up my nose. Until I sneeze and it's
ejected at such a velocity
that it brings them to their knees.

Bird in my hair
I just don't dare
peanut butter in my nose
soup in all my clothes
I have a pair of gloves
and beef
lots of

The beef has a belief
and a thousand and one eyes
and plenty of teeth.
What does the beef believe
and why does it stare?
Nobody knows because it's
just not there, its hiding
with the peanut butter
and the bird, up my nose and
in my hair.

April 27. Incapable of living with people, of speaking. Complete immersion in myself, thinking of myself. Apathetic, witless, fearful. I have nothing to say to anyone - never.  

       - Franz Kafka, Diaries of Franz Kafka 

barbara kruger

Thursday, 25 July 2013

"We all have two lives: The true, the one we dreamed of in childhood. And go on dreaming of as adults in a substratum of mist; the false, the one we love when we live with others, the practical, the useful, the one we end up by being put in a coffin."
               - Fernando Pessoa

I am a collection of dismantled almosts.

    - Anne Sexton

"We are all
museums of fear."

      - Charles Bukowski
Y. That perfect letter. The wishbone, fork in the road, empty wineglass. The question we ask over and over. Why? - Marjorie Celona

I’m beginning to know myself. I don’t exist.  I’m the gap between what I’d like to be and what others have made me. Or half of this gap, since there’s also life…

        - Fernando Pessoa 

I found the human heart empty and insipid everywhere except in books.

         - Jean-Paul Sartre 

Saturday, 20 April 2013

interleaved lightening tall grass,
  shuffling, itching to strike
patiently waiting and ready 

retracted tiger claws

     electric metathought, behind
a meager dust of words and world
  blinded by sight

tall grass lightening, prowling
 through itself

       concealed core

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

'My reflection on this subject starts with childhood memories. One sleeps alone, the adults continue life; the child feels the silence of his bedroom as “rumbling.” It is something resembling what one hears when one puts an empty shell close to the ear, as if the emptiness were full, as if the silence were a noise. It is something one can also feel when one thinks that even if there were nothing, the fact that “there is” is undeniable. Not that there is this or that; but the very scene of being is open: there is. In the absolute emptiness that one can imagine before creation - there is.'
                           — Emmanuel Levinas - Ethics and Infinity

If you are working from the premise that power is diffuse, collective, and emergent—rather than concentrated in a few hands—then the stateme...